Christina Tenaglia, “The Long Drive, ” Curated by Julie Torres
March 7 – 22, 2015
Artist Reception: Friday March 13th, 6-9pm
Christina Tenaglia’s work is full of playful contradictions that reveal a personal internal dialogue just beneath the surface. Her deceptively sleek, brightly painted objects obscure their underlying foundations of questioning, contemplative wood constructions. These seemingly straightforward works are unexpectedly cagey shape-shifters, slowly revealing their many faces, then morphing again into something else. They posses and inhabit their own space fully, like 3-dimensional renderings of an idea that grows and expands with time. Through her work, Christina Tenaglia shares her private, internal banter in an engaging conversation with the viewer, leaving us delightfully puzzled and charmed. It’s a pleasure to be privy to these clever inside jokes. – Julie Torres